Since donating my hair, I've had an obsession with attempting to grow my hair the longest I can in the fastest way. In a previous post, I made a wash-out oil treatment. This treatment has a lot of the same ingredients, but it's a daily leave-in spray. Let's get to it!
So obviously I didn't make enough to fill this spray bottle, but in my defense, I was going to use a smaller bottle.

Here's what you'll need and an estimation of how much of each I used:
2 bags - Camomile tea (make sure it's 100% camomile) or Peppermint tea
1/2 tbs - Dry Rosemary leaves
5 tsp - Lemon juice (from the bottle or the real thing) I added this to lighten my hair - you may skip it if you wish.
1 cup - water
(Just a side note, chamomile will lighten hair - especially if exposed to heat or sun.)
Heat up your water and put in into a cup or jar to steep with the two chamomile tea bags. Leave it be for now.
Take the Rosemary leaves and grind them as fine as possible. Of course, a mortar and pestle is so helpful with this step, but getting the leaves super fine isn't truly necessary. Let's go back to our steeped tea.

Remove the tea bags and stir in the lemon juice!
Now stir in the Rosemary leaves. I put this in a jar that I could shake but I don't think that's entirely necessary. Now I let this mixture sit for an entire day because I wanted the rosemary to steep as much as possible.
In order to get this to spray, I had to strain the rosemary from it before I placed it in its final bottle.
I really love this spray! Firstly, because it's super fast to apply; secondly, it feels really light and bright on. Personally, I added a touch of apple cider vinegar, and it smells really good too - even though I put vinegar in it.